
How to/ Setting up/ Using/ Getting started with [Insert Topic]

This is the process for an internal staff to requesting approval for an external user account to be created in Azure Active Directory.

Steps to Follow:


  • If it is an existing domain. IM Team - Digital approves the request by clicking approve in the email 'New Email Gest Request: <email address of the person). This will pop up on your screen


This completes the process. In the background, SGM tool then adds the external user to Smart Guest Management Users - Microsoft Azure

This is the email the HUD staff receives once approved 

          Your request has been Approved for the following account:

  • Display Name: Jonathan Lake (Guest)
  • First Name: Jonathan
  • Last Name: Lake
  • Job Title:
  • Company: MBIE
  • Email:
  • Mobile: 0272510016

Your guest needs to accept your invitation, and sign in, before their account is visible within our environment.


External user receives an invite to the Guest Access Portal, see HERE

When an external user is added to a Kete Site from a register, they will:

  • be guided through the authentication process
  • gain access to the Guest Access Portal, and
  • view the sites they have permission to access within the Guest Access Portal after being added via link to folder/document.

Reference Links: [Reference link 

External sharing (

<authentication process - to be developed>

External sharing (